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Putting that hotheadedness into check.

Snip, Snap, Shout, Snarl.

Isn’t that what we all do when we are stricken by a wave of intense emotions, making us feel hot in the head overpowering our senses and making us do things we wish we had never done. You’re right, this wave is nothing but anger; that unleashes an unidentified side of you and petrifies those near you.

Now, the major thing to understand here is what anger actually is and why it is so important to control it. The Oxford Dictionary defines anger as “A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.” Such a small set of words put together can lead to catastrophe in one’s life that no one can imagine. Anger, if not controlled and eliminated can not only harm your physical and mental health, but also your social well being. An angry person is often mistaken to be a person with dicey intentions. Also, anger just does not end there, it results in many negative emotions among fellow mates, like jealousy, unhealthy competition, anxiety and rivalry.

Before starting, it is important to understand that there are different types of people, some are short tempered and some are extremely calm, and others pretty neutral; and it is not because of their own intent, but, it is because of the release of certain hormones in specific situations, that makes us categorise people into these types.

People express their anger in words, expressions and actions; and often fail to realise that there is no going back. This piece of writing is here to help you to not do such actions that make you want to go back, that is, to help you with managing the hot headed side of you.

We generally get angry when things do not go according to plan, or when they do not conform to our liking and choices, which is very natural for a human being to feel. But, anger becomes a problem when it takes ugly shape like violent expression or malefic actions. Here, it is not wrong to quote Ambrose Bierce “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” There is no denying the fact that we do act out of our own accord when we are overcome by anger.

Before something that we don’t want to happen, happens; because of our own anger, we must know how to control and overcome it.

For when you are subject to instant anger, we suggest you to take deep breaths and to remind yourself that it is only your thoughts that are making you angry, drink a glass of water and recite the alphabet backwards, trust us, it helps. In fact, sometimes it is really nice to just be quiet at that time and not speak for a few minutes, it will save a lot of energy, that would have been wasted if you had shown your anger. Pay attention to the physical signs of your body and go for a walk, breathe deeply and check out if there are any assumptions in your mind. One more major thing to remember is to not speak anything when you are subject to extreme anger, speak once you are calm and reasonable.

Second, when it comes to anger that builds up over some time and is a result of accumulation of circumstances, ask yourself if it is going to matter one year from now, if yes, then it is better to walk away than be angry all the time, and if no, there is no reason to get angry. Things that are not going to matter do not deserve your energy, instead such energy can be put up to productive use, like social welfare or your own hobbies and jobs. Also, be accepting and aware of when someone needs help, trust us, it is nothing to be embarrassed about.

To conclude, you must know that is not someone else who can calm you down, but you yourself. Know when you are angry and know how to keep yourself in check, lest you ruin someone’s day and yours too.

So, the next time you’re angry, just remember that anger does not solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything.

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